Laughing Out Loud - traducción al español
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Laughing Out Loud - traducción al español

LMAO; Roflmao; Lmao; Lollerskates; Laughing Out Loud; Roflmfao; Rotfl; Lol; ROLF; Laughing out loud; Loffle; Lolaso; ROFLcopter; Lawl; Lolcakes; Laugh a little; Rofllmfao; Roflcopter; Roflcoptor; ROTFL; Rofflecopter; Roffle; Lolz; Lol (internet slang); Laugh out loud; LMPO; Roofles; Roffel; LAWL; LOFL; ROTFLOL; Rolling on the floor laughing; Laugh Out Loud; ROFL Copter; Lool; Lol, internet; Kekekekeke; Rofled; Rofl copter; Lollers; (笑); El oh el; Roflol; Lewl; Lawlz; ROTFLMFAO; ROFTLMFAO; Roffles; Lolsy; LOL (internet slang); Eloel; LOL (slang); LOL (Internet); Loling; LOl; Lolzoids; Lolzoid; Lulz; Lols; Rofltacular; LOL (Internet slang); Roflmgo; QLTM; Lol+; Lolmao; Lozl; LULZ; Rofl; ROFL; Rotflmmfao; Rofllmao; Rotflmao; Epic lulz; Rofltank; Roflcoptr; Lol wut; RoFl; RoFL; ROfl; ROFl; ㅋㅋㅋ; Lol wut?; Lolrofl; ROFLOLbbq; Lolololol; Lolroflmao; For teh lulz; Lolwut; Lollig; L0l; Llol; Roflgator; Teh lulz; I did it for the Lulz; I did it for teh Lulz; Lulzwut; ROFLMFAO; 4 the lulz; 4 teh lulz; The Lulz; Lulzy; It's just a matter of luls; Lqtm "Laughing Quietly To Myself"; I lol'd; Rotflolmao; Lots of laughs; For the lulz; Lololololol; LOLOLOL; LMFAO!; Lolwhat; Huehuehue; 🤣; Roll on the floor laughing; Roll on floor laughing; Rolling on floor laughing; חחח; Lolwat; LUL (symbol); Draft:LUL; Omegalul; Lololol; Lqtm; Kekeke; LULW; OMEGALUL
  • Use of "lol" in response to a joke, in a 2007 conversation on [[IRC]]
  • A [[lolcat]] using "LOL"
  • The '''OMEGALUL''' emote
  • roflcopter]]"

Laughing Out Loud         
LOL, riendose con voz muy alta, chillando de la risa (siglas utilizadas en el Internet)
Rolling On the Floor Laughing         
Me estoy rodando en el piso de la risa, ROFL (siglas utilizadas en las conversaciones del internet)
out loud         
Out Loud (disambiguation); Out Loud (album)
en alta voz, de viva voz


fino, -a (de "fin")
1 adj. *Delgado; de poco grosor o espesor: "Un papel [o un hilo] fino". Entrefino, finústico, superfino. Se aplica particularmente a "punta". Aplicado a las personas y, particularmente, a "facciones" o "tipo", delgado y correcto de forma[s].
2 Mar. Se aplica al *barco que corta bien el agua.
3 (inf.) Aplicado a personas y a su manera de hablar u obrar, *astuto o hábil en el trato social en su propio beneficio.
4 Aplicado a los sentidos, *agudo: "No tiene un olfato muy fino".
5 *Liso o *suave; sin asperezas.
6 *Delicado o *selecto: Aplicado a cosas, hecho con más cuidado o para un gusto más exigente que las cosas ordinarias: "Muebles [o dulces] finos. Un espectáculo fino". Aplicado a personas, de maneras distinguidas y corteses. Afiligranado, *delicado, distinguido, *elegante, escogido, exquisito, fileno, de buen gusto, primoroso, *refinado, *selecto, señor, *suave, de buen tono. Filigrana, fililí, fineza, finura, filis, filustre. Afectado, *cursi, finolis, *ñoño. *Afinar. *Amable. *Correcto. *Cortés. *Educar. *Pulido.
7 Aplicado a "amigo, amante" o palabras equivalentes, muy *amable o atento. También se ha dicho "fina amistad, fino amor", etc.
8 adj. y n. m. Se aplica a un vino de Jerez muy seco, con una graduación que oscila entre 15. y 17?.
V. "canela fina, piedra fina".



LOL, or lol, is an initialism for laughing out loud and a popular element of Internet slang. It was first used almost exclusively on Usenet, but has since become widespread in other forms of computer-mediated communication and even face-to-face communication. It is one of many initialisms for expressing bodily reactions, in particular laughter, as text, including initialisms for more emphatic expressions of laughter such as LMAO ("laughing my ass off") and ROFL or ROTFL ("rolling on the floor laughing").

The list of acronyms "grows by the month" (said Peter Hershock in 2003), and they are collected along with emoticons and smileys into folk dictionaries that are circulated informally amongst users of Usenet, IRC, and other forms of (textual) computer-mediated communication. These initialisms are controversial, and several authors recommend against their use, either in general or in specific contexts such as business communications.

The Oxford English Dictionary first listed LOL in March 2011.

Ejemplos de pronunciación para Laughing Out Loud
1. "I'm laughing out loud."
2. I'm laughing out loud.
Fair Play _ Eve Rodsky _ Talks at Google
3. as meaning "laughing out loud."
4. does not mean laughing out loud anymore.
5. and I was laughing out loud.
Cast of CBS’s Superior Donuts _ Talks at Google
Ejemplos de uso de Laughing Out Loud
1. I found it very moving, and I was laughing out loud as well.
2. Great story. – Phil, Warrington Cheshire A few bowls of soup there. – Jimpy, Boston, UK I am laughing out loud!
3. Comments kept coming in, some viewers sympathetic to Gingrich, many not, others simply LOLing –– laughing out loud.
4. But the 31–year–old suddenly began laughing out loud when her daughter Shaunagh, 11, and son, Mark, seven, read out jokes to her by her bedside.
5. A little girl in a frilly orange dress skittered through the thickening crowd, bouncing onto a scuffed concrete grave, fiddling with a tall, rusted cross, laughing out loud.